Domestic Violence Shelters
All Male group homes (call 808-832-3100) or text them is CARES Hawaii number to get into an all male group home I have anxiety and take paxil is how they got me in also I see a psychiatrist on telehealth once a month or every three months.
Survivor gear page groups
CFS (Child & Family Service): (808) 841-0822 ask for the male DV (short for Domestic Violence) shelter, or the women one.
The SAFE number and Chat also text option is from website: Domestic Violence National Hotline
800.799.SAFE (7233)
Text Start to 88788 to text a help line agent for services in your city and state.
Domestic Violence shelters for males and females:
Hawaii State Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Website provides resources for victims and survivors of domestic violence
Domestic Violence Action Center
Oahu Help Line (808) 531-3771
Toll-free Helpline 1(800) 690-6200
Text line (605) 956-5680
to Call the Emergence DV shelter for a list of numbers to the Male Domestic Violence Emergency Shelter.
Shelter of Wisdom (men) - 808-383-9498
Youth Domestic Violence shelters call one of the DV shelters like CFS and they will provide a number.
Single parents or parents with kids
The Parent Line
(808) 526-1222 or toll free 1(800) 816-1222
Is a childcare resource and referral agency that helps families to find quality care
People Attentive to Children (PATCH)
Oahu: (808) 839-1988, or call for other island numbers
Preschool Open Doors
Statewide: (808) 791-2130 or toll-free 1(800) 746-5620
Program helps eligible families to send their child to a licensed preschool during school year prior to kindergarten. Limited enrollment period.
or use those keywords "childcare resource and referral agency help families find quality care, state name, county name"
to find services in your state and county
"Below is a list of the 4 DV Emergency Shelter hotlines:
- Parents And Children Together (
Emergency DV (Domestic Violence) Hotline: (808) 526-2200
Fax: (808) 235-7748
4. WIN (Women in Need): (808) 486-1996.
5. DVAC (Domestic Violence Action Center): (808) 531-3771
Domestic Violence Action Center
Oahu Help Line (808) 531-3771
Toll-free Helpline 1(800) 690-6200
Text line (605) 956-5680
- From this website: Domestic Violence - PARTNERS IN CARE
Places all male that you can stay for free
1. All Male group homes (call 808-832-3100) or text them is CARES Hawaii number to get into an all-male group home I have anxiety and take paxil is how they got me in also I see a psychiatrist on telehealth once a month or every three months. if you need to go to a shelter maybe if there is a wait before you go to the group home you can ask the worker on 808-832-3100 about Safe Haven on s. Beretania St. run by Mental Health Kokua (as well they run other things like group homes, I've heard of also Steadfast runs group homes as well)
8-16 hour group homes means the staff are there for 8 to 16 hours work shift, 24-hour group homes mean the staff is there for 24 hours a day. it is mental health, so you have to display a need like social anxiety is mines or they won't place you in the group homes when you meet with the worker after you call 808-832-3100.
2. all male domestic violence shelter call 808-842-0822, ask for the all male domestic violence shelter.
3. all male clean and sober homes call 808-832-3100, CARES Hawaii and they will transport you also ask for a male case manager?
4. Day treatment program call 808-832-3100 (CARES Hawaii) for transport and ask for all male clean and sober or all male group homes (mental health).
How to:
Bring um all can keep asking for money if charity or non-profit + ($50.00) register LLC business name all online + Accountant malpractice insurance sign calculations + goes to
= build Male domestic violence shelter (make the office have food pantry and clothes socks shoes, rain coat, Temu app has cheap socks and shoes have area with linens pillows and comforters and also have laundry soap available they can fill paper cup at office also has trash bags zip lock bags, the 1 day old charity gave food fruits from Foodland and etc., they want to eat foods.
=Build Day treatment all male centers for
=Build Clean and Sober and mental health (life change nervous breakdown
=Regular housing Group homes all male
= communal living all male dojo inspired, Tibet inspired, Jesuit inspired communal living, Alcoholic Anonymous communal living, or you can transfer to other Communal living like the Tibet one,