MedQuest SHOTT Program State of Hawaii Organ and Tissue Transplant
MedQuest has a program called SHOTT:
"The State of Hawai‘i Organ and Tissue Transplant (SHOTT) Program is for eligible QUEST Integration and Medicaid Fee-for-Service beneficiaries. Medicaid covers medically necessary transplantation services and the related immunosuppressant drugs and services. The program covers non-experimental and non-investigational transplants for beneficiaries who meet specific medical conditions.
Medicaid beneficiaries are referred to the SHOTT Program by their physician with assistance from the Medicaid member’s health plan. Please contact health plan for more information.
The transplants listed below are provided by the Medicaid Program through the SHOTT Program.
Children (Under Age 21)
Heart and Lung
Stem Cell Transplant/Bone Marrow Transplant
Small Bowel with and without Liver
Adult (21 years of age or above)
Heart and Lung
Stem Cell Transplant/Bone Marrow Transplant
*Kidney transplant is a covered benefit for all Medicaid beneficiaries. Adults who require kidney transplant and have another health plan (Medicare or commercial) as their primary health insurance coverage shall remain with their current Medicaid health plan. Kidney transplant will be covered by the health plan and does not need to be referred to the SHOTT program.
If you have any questions, please call Koan at: 808-469-4500, toll free 1-844-235-5472, TTY/TDD 711."
-from this website:
United healthcare website:
On pg 76 and pg 118 organ transplants
"State of Hawai'i Organ and Tissue Transplant (SHOTT) program
The Department of Human Services provides transplants that are not experimental or investigational and not covered by QUEST Integration. The SHOTT program covers adults and children for liver, heart, heart-Hung, lung, kidney, kidney-pancreas, and allogenic and autologous bone marrow transplants. Children will be covered for transplants of the small bowel with or without liver. Children and adults must meet medical criteria as determined by the DHS and the SHOTT program contractor. For information, contact Member Services toll-free at 1-888-980-8728 (TTY users 711)
While the SHOTT program is responsible for transplant services that are listed above, there are situations in which the Health Plan will be responsible for kidney transplants for Members that have Medicare or commercial insurance coverage as primary to QUEST Integration.
Kidney transplants for adults (21 years old and older) with Medicare or other insurance coverage:
• If you need or will have only a kidney transplant, we will cover your kidney transplant after we coordinate payment with your primary insurance carrier
If you need or have a kidney transplant plus another type of transplant (for example, a kidney transplant plus a pancreas transplant) your primary or other insurance payer will pay first for both transplants and then the SHOTT Program will pay last. The SHOTT Program will coordinate payment with your primary insurance carrier.
Kidney transplants for children (under 21 years old) with Medicare or other insurance coverage:
We will rofor the case to the SHOTT Program for review and they will let us know if they will cover
the service. We will coordinate care with your doctor(s). If the SHOTT Program accepts your case then they will coordinate payment with your primary insurance carrier.
If the SHOTT Program does not accept your case then we will coordinate payment with your primary insuranice carrier
Hawai'l CARES
Hawai'i CARES is a free, 24/7 coordination center for substance use, mental health and crisis intervention. Call from any island: 808-832-3100 or 988 call or text, or toll-free at 800-753-6879.
The Hawaii CARES program is a statewide initiative of the Hawail State Department of Health to increase access to support for individuals needing substance abuse treatment. The Hawali CARES staff provides supportive counseling, screening for urgent or emergent mental health or substance use needs, and recommendations for behavioral health assessments and services and crisis intervention.
Questions? Visit, or call Member Services at 1-888-980-8728 (TTY users 711)."
- from, pg 76 and pg 118:
Free clean and sober homes and Day Treatment is just somewhere good to stay at during the day, has free lunch also, call or text 988.
Ask to go-to:
Makana O Ke Akua
Clean and Sober Living for Men
To apply or to search a home near you call or text 988, visit:, or
Information is from the Alcohol and Drug problems at ADAD (808) 692-7506 website:
"Do you or someone you know need substance use treatment services? Contact Hawaii CARES at (808) 832-3100 or toll-free 1(800) 753-6879" or call or text 988
Apply for clean and sober homes call or text 988 they will do it for you.
Clean and sober houses I entered "Honolulu" in the search criteria:
Or can call or text 988 will place you in a clean and sober house and or day treatment program (someplace nice to go-to, has free lunch)
Users can search for homes that operate programs for recovery from alcohol or drug addiction, call or text 988 to set you up with a free clean and sober home provided by the state at ADAD