Keywords to use on search engine if you live in the rest of the States.
The working class lost their minds or not? "Everyone will be killing in the streets, know the truth about their neighbors and kill their neighbor and know the truth about their family and kill their family" - Bible where there is no Golden Ram anymore in the old book my forefathers gave me it's now a Golden baby cow in Deuteronomy 9:13.
Get a Letter of Verification of Homelessness from a social worker by calling them they will want to meet you at your place of homelessness unless you go to your local Outreach center (IHS used to hold one at a church the first month of Thursday and tree was different tables one was legal aid, another one was U.S Vets, another on we was IHS there I got a case manager to give me, Letter of verification of Homelessness, there was also clothes that were free and get SNAP benefits for food use keywords Pias benefits .gov to apply in Hawaii online like most states is apply online. For Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) or there might be chips is safer to eat than they lost their mind? or not..)
"Is not to good for me because you have to share with females that when I went there tried to poison in the shared kitchen and cabinets also bathrooms and they said after I called the cops that I had to be kicked out since I'm not feeling safe and that is a landlord tenant law not only in Transitional Homes but also for Rentals like High rises or Apartments." -anonymous
"Instead of transitional homes first I would contact a case manager using the local charity's case manager list to meet you at your homeless place. They will complete the VISPIDAT also put you on the list for housing referral also along with the questions to put you higher on the list to be referred to housing ask for a Letter of Verification of Homelessness from the Case manager or social worker.
With the Letter of Verification, you can apply to places like Housing Solutions on your own with confirmation of homelessness they accept easier with that Letter of Verification of Homelessness.
Go to your states Community Resource Guide by using keywords "Community Resource Guide; State name; .gov or .org, PDF (should be in a PDF format) Hawaii States one.
so typed in Community Resource Guide Santa Clara County California pdf .gov and got: This SCC_Community_Resource_Guide.pdf ( at:
which is a .org site...
When using a search engine type .gov as a keyword because often times your local state will have an online .gov short for government website that provides links to charities and non-profit organizations like the state of Hawaii, so I typed into search engine: ".gov homeless" and got the state website which has a lot of links to places that will help with anything you need.
Search for transitional housing on the search engine use keywords "transitional housing, your state name, .gov, charity" so you will be looking for any .gov website or charity website some of which ends in .org for organization but could end in .com. keywords affordable rentals your state as a keyword in the search engine, I got for Hawaii Affordable Rentals Apartments in Hawaii - Locations Hawaii (,
some of them are $650.00 for a 1 bedroom or 2 bedrooms on the website.
If you're from another state for Financial, Food, Housing, Medical just type keyword "state name, department of human services, benefits, .gov, online application" for financial medical and food called SNAP you should be able to apply online like the state of Hawaii.
For housing type in google search keywords "Housing First, state name, city name, charity, .gov" also try using a search engine like Section 8 keywords, "state name, .gov, section 8" there is usually a waitlist but just bookmark the .gov ending site keep checking till they say the waitlist is open on the website then you can apply online.
In the yellow pages look up key work social organizations and also Non-profit Organizations in your state or if you have location on, google maps might find some near you Ask them the non- profit just go to google search type in keywords: " non-profit organization help, government benefits, state name, city name. "
HOUSING FIRST IN HAWAIʻI (is also available in each state. Google search key words: "your city state and housing first" it's usually given by a charity organization or non-profit organization.
The Department of Human Services in each state also called DHS contracted charity organizations to let people apply for Housing First. For me rent of $1,400 1/1/1 is 33.00 a month with Housing First which also Section 8 is the same.
Ask for things like a Case manager to help you get into Housing First to see if you qualify to get a case manager call U.S Vets or I.H.S Institute for Human Services or your local charity will provide you with a case manager use key words on search engine: "Case manager, your city name, your state name, charity, non-profit organization, .gov",
Transitional homes, Section 8 mail you to let you know when waitlist opens ( Check section 8 website by google search keywords " your state name, .gov, section 8 " ), ask also for eviction payment with past due rent, paying past due utilities, shelters or transitional shelters there is also domestic violence shelters (DV shelters) in your area also use the google search key words "domestic violence shelter and your state name and city"
If you're from another state to get state benefits like food and financial just type in your state and the key word "Department of human services, your state name, apply online, .gov" on, it will be a .gov website for example, I typed in LA California Department of Human Services and got it's a .gov website for the LA county California. At your states Department of Human services aka state benefits website, you might be able to apply online or have the application mailed to you or walk in. The services that you can apply for is financial, Food stamps, medical all free if you qualify by being low income or no income.
At the online website the .gov DHS (Department of Human Services) or your local Department of Human Services building (there should be one in each city) will have Financial and Food stamps available along with Medicaid is medical.
When picking a provider when you receive Medicaid or Medquest (Medicaid is called Medquest in Hawaii), I suggest United Health Care as the health care provider they have $129.00 in money use for electric or other utility payment or OTC (over the counter means toothpaste, toothbrush, mouthwash, aspirin, use the barcode scanner in the UHC app) products and or Food. When you get Medicaid (is medical) different health care providers offer different services, you should research the providers offered in your state for the services they have. Some health care providers like United Health Care include services like Optometry (eyeglasses); Hearing aids; Nursing help,
Transportation to doctors' appointments and more. Usually if you want to change MedQuest (which is Medicare in the rest of the states) providers is only once a year around October and called Open enrollment, you can ask your provider about it or your local Department of Human services they probably have an email or phone number to call and ask about when open enrollment is that is when you can change providers is once a year.
Also, as of January 2023 Medicaid in all states (is also known as Med Quest in Hawaii) is adding more extensive Dental benefits to cover cavities etc. In your state on google use key words: Non-Profit Organizations with state name or Social Services with state name also Charities also with state name could also come up with different things. To take care of the information and organize what you found about your website, I suggest getting a free website (has no ads and at they have templates you can drag and drop chat boxes etc... if your kid gets lost. you can spend a little extra money and buy a domain name like I have here at A free website with all your notes that includes numbers of places and certain info you need that you can find again online.
Community clearing houses (Keyword on google "Community Clearing house, city name, state name, charity, non-profit organization, .gov) which have free household items clothes microwaves some require a voucher that a case manager has to apply to and get, case managers list of numbers found at your local emergency shelters just type that key word with your state. All of the charities throughout America are funded by the government each year or so.
Check to see if section 8 wait list is open.