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Keywords to use on search engine if you live in the rest of the States. 

The working class lost their minds or not? "Everyone will be killing in the streets, know the truth about their neighbors and kill their neighbor and know the truth about their family and kill their family" - Bible where there is no Golden Ram anymore in the old book my forefathers gave me it's now a Golden baby cow in Deuteronomy 9:13.

Get a Letter of Verification of Homelessness from a social worker by calling them they will want to meet you at your place of homelessness unless you go to your local Outreach center (IHS used to hold one at a church the first month of Thursday and tree was different tables one was legal aid, another one was U.S Vets, another on we was IHS there I got a case manager to give me, Letter of verification of Homelessness, there was also clothes that were free and get SNAP benefits for food use keywords Pias benefits .gov to apply in Hawaii online like most states is apply online. For Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) or there might be chips is safer to eat than they lost their mind? or not..)

"Is not to good for me because you have to share with females that when I went there tried to poison in the shared kitchen and cabinets also bathrooms and they said after I called the cops that I had to be kicked out since I'm not feeling safe and that is a landlord tenant law not only in Transitional Homes but also for Rentals like High rises or Apartments." -anonymous

"Instead of transitional homes first I would contact a case manager using the local charity's case manager list to meet you at your homeless place. They will complete the VISPIDAT also put you on the list for housing referral also along with the questions to put you higher on the list to be referred to housing ask for a Letter of Verification of Homelessness from the Case manager or social worker.  

With the Letter of Verification, you can apply to places like Housing Solutions on your own with confirmation of homelessness they accept easier with that Letter of Verification of Homelessness. 

Go to your states Community Resource Guide by using keywords "Community Resource Guide; State name; .gov or .org, PDF (should be in a PDF format) Hawaii States one

so typed in Community Resource Guide Santa Clara County California pdf .gov and got:  This SCC_Community_Resource_Guide.pdf ( at:

which is a .org site...

When using a search engine type .gov as a keyword because often times your local state will have an online .gov short for government website that provides links to charities and non-profit organizations like the state of Hawaii, so I typed into search engine: ".gov homeless" and got the state website which has a lot of links to places that will help with anything you need.


Search for transitional housing on the search engine use keywords "transitional housing, your state name, .gov, charity" so you will be looking for any .gov website or charity website some of which ends in .org for organization but could end in .com. keywords affordable rentals your state as a keyword in the search engine, I got for Hawaii Affordable Rentals Apartments in Hawaii - Locations Hawaii (,

some of them are $650.00 for a 1 bedroom or 2 bedrooms on the website. 

If you're from another state for Financial, Food, Housing, Medical just type keyword "state name, department of human services, benefits, .gov, online application" for financial medical and food called SNAP you should be able to apply online like the state of Hawaii. 

For housing type in google search keywords "Housing First, state name, city name, charity, .gov" also try using a search engine like Section 8 keywords, "state name, .gov, section 8" there is usually a waitlist but just bookmark the .gov ending site keep checking till they say the waitlist is open on the website then you can apply online. 

In the yellow pages look up key work social organizations and also Non-profit Organizations in your state or if you have location on, google maps might find some near you Ask them the non- profit just go to google search type in keywords: " non-profit organization help, government benefits, state name, city name. "

HOUSING FIRST IN HAWAIʻI (is also available in each state. Google search key words: "your city state and housing first" it's usually given by a charity organization or non-profit organization.

The Department of Human Services in each state also called DHS contracted charity organizations to let people apply for Housing First. For me rent of $1,400 1/1/1 is 33.00 a month with Housing First which also Section 8 is the same. 

Ask for things like a Case manager to help you get into Housing First to see if you qualify to get a case manager call U.S Vets or I.H.S Institute for Human Services or your local charity will provide you with a case manager use key words on search engine: "Case manager, your city name, your state name, charity, non-profit organization, .gov",

Transitional homes, Section 8 mail you to let you know when waitlist opens ( Check section 8 website by google search keywords " your state name, .gov, section 8 " ), ask also for eviction payment with past due rent, paying past due utilities, shelters or transitional shelters there is also domestic violence shelters (DV shelters) in your area also use the google search key words "domestic violence shelter and your state name and city" 

If you're from another state to get state benefits like food and financial just type in your state and the key word "Department of human services, your state name, apply online, .gov" on, it will be a .gov website for example, I typed in LA California Department of Human Services and got it's a .gov website for the LA county California. At your states Department of Human services aka state benefits website, you might be able to apply online or have the application mailed to you or walk in. The services that you can apply for is financial, Food stamps, medical all free if you qualify by being low income or no income. 

     At the online website the .gov DHS (Department of Human Services) or your local Department of Human Services building (there should be one in each city) will have Financial and Food stamps available along with Medicaid is medical.


When picking a provider when you receive Medicaid or Medquest (Medicaid is called Medquest in Hawaii), I suggest United Health Care as the health care provider they have $129.00 in money use for electric or other utility payment or OTC (over the counter means toothpaste, toothbrush, mouthwash, aspirin, use the barcode scanner in the UHC app) products and or Food. When you get Medicaid (is medical) different health care providers offer different services, you should research the providers offered in your state for the services they have. Some health care providers like United Health Care include services like Optometry (eyeglasses); Hearing aids; Nursing help,


Transportation to doctors' appointments and more. Usually if you want to change MedQuest (which is Medicare in the rest of the states) providers is only once a year around October and called Open enrollment, you can ask your provider about it or your local Department of Human services they probably have an email or phone number to call and ask about when open enrollment is that is when you can change providers is once a year. 

     Also, as of January 2023 Medicaid in all states (is also known as Med Quest in Hawaii) is adding more extensive Dental benefits to cover cavities etc. In your state on google use key words: Non-Profit Organizations with state name or Social Services with state name also Charities also with state name could also come up with different things. To take care of the information and organize what you found about your website, I suggest getting a free website (has no ads and at they have templates you can drag and drop chat boxes etc... if your kid gets lost. you can spend a little extra money and buy a domain name like I have here at A free website with all your notes that includes numbers of places and certain info you need that you can find again online. 

Community clearing houses (Keyword on google "Community Clearing house, city name, state name, charity, non-profit organization, .gov) which have free household items clothes microwaves some require a voucher that a case manager has to apply to and get, case managers list of numbers found at your local emergency shelters just type that key word with your state. All of the charities throughout America are funded by the government each year or so.

Check to see if section 8 wait list is open.

Last updated March 2nd 2025

Group Homes is free housing Call or text 988 

Group homes is free housing just call or text 988 on an android smart phone or call 808-832-3100 and ask them for a mental health case manager so you can go-to group homes and it's from Adult Mental Health Division or AMHD so you would have to say you have some kind of mental health issues to get into group homes, like social anxiety and Paxil is a good med to take for that, then also you would have to fail the mental health assessment for social anxiety then they will give you a mental health case manager who will be able to transport you to group homes.

So just tell your Mental health case manager that you got from calling or texting 988 or in Hawaii the rotary number is (808) 832-3100 they want you to take a mental health assessment, it can be done over the phone or in person I choose Starbucks at AlaMoana and fail the Mental Health Assessment so you can receive services, for social anxiety (Paxil meds) and when they assign you a mental health case manager then ask them if you can go-to group homes, 8-16 hr Group Homes means the staff is there 8-16 hours a day (but usually they do an 8 hour shift) and Saturdays and Sundays the staff is not there, 24 hr Group Homes means the staff is there 24/7.

The Homeless in Hawaii website at just got updated yesterday.

Also if I don't pay for the domain you can bookmark the free website


Also get Shelter Plus Care by calling or texting 988 is ( in every state,  to get a mental health case manager (all by AMHD Is free AMHD is Adult Mental Health Division), your Mental Health Case Manager should help you set up Shelter Plus Care here is a list of places to rent that are affordable.
tell Mental health case manager I have social anxiety (Paxil meds) and sometimes panic attacks (Valium meds) (Trazadone is good for sleep, and get the meds by getting a psychiatrist for Free, by Applying online for Free medical here (Medicaid.)) 
        Then they (AMHD known as the Adult Mental Health Division via your mental health case manager) should give you Shelter Plus Care (is 30% of income and covers mortgage and rent and dependents (leave your baby child at Waikiki Health Clinic and they will be raised with their own age group).

You can also ask your Mental Health Case Manager go-to Group Homes is free housing ask your mental health case manager to go-to group homes (8-16 hr group homes is the staff is there 8-16 hours a day and sat and Sunday not there,

Or there is 24 hr Group Homes is the staff is there 24/7.

And also there is all male, or both males and females and all women Group Homes

you can get Shelter Plus Care, Group Homes and more with a Mental Health Case Manager also 9 more pages in this PDF file

Or Use and keywords "AMHD Community Housing Array PDF" to get this link where you can get anything on this 9 page PDF list with a Mental Health Case Manager.

       To become a Mental Health Case Manager you need at least a Bachelors of Science degree in Psychology which you can get with an online school like Ultimate Medical Academy I guess or UMA (go pumas!)
        The Mental health case manager doesn't know anything about these resources for their client but is a clinical therapist. And the company that hires the mental health case manager doesn't inform them of the services or if they ever needed it for themselves or family and friends like Shelter Plus Care etc.. 
        So you would give them this website ( if I don't pay for the domain that will still be up is the free website by  to become acquainted with how to help their client or to the company like for instance 988 or Care Hawaii (has mental health case managers and doctors that are psychiatrists also they have day treatment program (just a safe place so stay for AMHD (Mental Health) or ADAD (Clean and Sober) clients. which is different from keywords on a search engine "Hawaii Cares 988


Sun Feb 19, 12:18 PM​ 


Use thei social security number to apply for SSDI online:, is a monthly deposit into checking or savings account, you can get up to $1,700/ every month. 


For Seniors Kupuna Elderly is Tutu Bert Homes run by I.H.S (Institute for Human Services)

Tutu Bert Medical Respite Homes help bridge the gap in care, where homeless individuals would slip through the cracks. Those who need medical attention arrive at our respite homes and stay until they are fully recovered from their recent medical procedure, surgery, or other treatments. Emergency rooms and urgent care centers can provide aid, but homeless individuals often do not have the equipment or living spaces for specialized care following release from the hospital.

Friendly staff and medical personnel are available around the clock. Meals and other supplies necessary for their recovery journey are provided to clients. Our locations are tucked away in Makiki, Kalihi, and Pearl City.


        To get into Tutu Bert's Homes you need a referral made by the Case Management staff of The Queens Medical Center and Castle Medical Center 
*Referrals must be made by the Case Management staff of The Queen’s Medical Center and Castle Medical Center, respectively.

Call the Queens Medical Center 24 hours a day 7 days a week to ask about getting a Case Managment staff to help you with your medical needs and to help get a referral with Tutu Bert's Medical respite homes Call 808) 691-4311

which is the Queen's Medical Center Emergency Room, Primary Phone

(808) 538-9011

The Queen's Medical Center Emergency Room, Alternate Phone

1301 Punchbowl St, Honolulu 96813

Unit Hours:
24 hours a day, 7 days a week

The Queen's Medical Center

1301 Punchbowl Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813


Learn More

The Queen's Medical Center - West O‘ahu

91-2141 Fort Weaver Road
Ewa Beach, Hawaii 96706


Learn More

The Queen’s Medical Center – Wahiawā

128 Lehua Street,
Wahiawā, HI 96786


Learn More

Punawai Rest Stop

Phone: (808) 599-9750

Location: 431 Kuwili St. Honolulu HI 96817

Open: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. 365 days a year (Punawai Building is 4 stories)


Eight showers (last appointment at 6:30 p.m.); 10 washing machines and 10 dryers (last appointment at 6 p.m.); security;

Free access to computers

Free Wi-Fi;

Cellphone charging stations;

-Get a Free phone and Free phone service

(with Free shipping) at

is former Obama phones and called now Affordable Connection Program At get a free tablet for $10.00 worth $166.00

mail service (receive your mail like your free phone apply online at: and have it shipped to you);


two pet kennels;

lockers and larger storage for shopping carts and bulkier items;

free toiletries,

including toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors, shaving cream, shampoo and soap; bug zappers;

and on-site housing and

medical services, also Apply Online for free medical



Apply for Free Financial and Food online (while at the free computers at the Punawai Rest Stop also free computers to use is at the Library I think all you need is your Social Security Number and or? Photo ID to use the Hawaii state Librarys Computers)

        Apply for financial and food online (Food is SNAP,  Financial for individual with disabilities like social anxiety is called General Assistance or G.A, TANF which is called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families is financial for families) just click your state SNAP website to apply online for Free Financial and free Food:

        Apply for food money online (it's called SNAP Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) I receive $402.00/month food and for individual is $385 about and is called (G.A General Assistance), and for just a family of three got about $880.00/ month for food and financial for a family of three receives $945.00 (called TANF aka Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) and it does carry over if you have left over money, to the next month, For SNAP is food, G.A & TANF is both financial, apply online for Free Financial and Food by clicking your state, and then click the states SNAP website link at:

        Apply in the state of Hawaii for SNAP (is food)  G.A or TANF (is Financial), Apply online for food and financial in the state of Hawaii:

        If you need assistance you can always email, call or go-to the nearest Processing Center: call (808) 587-5283 (the Pohulani Processing Center), Located at:

The Pohulani Processing Center is located at

677 Queens st # 400B Honolulu Hi, is across Lex Brodie's and

Email is:

        To get it quicker you can deposit into checking account or get the Kokua card or switch it later the local processing center for this financial and food called TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and, the food is called SNAP ) Supplemental Assistance Nutrition Program)


At click on your state then States SNAP website. There is one application for Financial and Food to apply online in every state:


        Two types of Financial on the Online Application for each state: TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, for example a family of three will receive $945.00 per month and SNAP will be $845.00) or General Assistance (G.A) is for individuals who have a disability (see a psychiatrist and have maybe social anxiety and receive $385.00 and with Shelter Plus Care is $38.00 a month for a $1400.00 place, to get Shelter Plus Care call or text 988 (from and is in every state) and they first ask you to take a Mental Health assessment then they set you up with a Mental Health Case Manager where you can tell them you have social anxiety and sometimes panic attacks (and according to AMHD (the Adult Mental Health Department) they are supposed to give you Shelter Plus Care but they don't always know that Shelter Plus Care exists and only know what they learned to get their Bachelors in science in Psychology). 


        Food in the online application is called SNAP or (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), financial for families or people with dependents is called TANF or (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families). For example a family of three would receive about $945.00 for financial and about $880.00/ month for food which is called SNAP (and if you don't use the entire amount it carries over to the next month. 

Here is the link to apply online for Food and Financial, just click your state then on SNAP website for the state where you can apply online and receive what they call benefits. also get Amazon prime 50% off and Walmart Plus 50% off if you receive benefits (which are SSI SDI SNAP or Financial and Medicare or Medicaid etc.. like Section 8, Housing First, Shelter Plus Care (how to get all of these is explained next)


        Apply online for Hawaii state at: If you have a disability like social anxiety, G.A (General Assistance) then you, won't need to turn in a list of places you applied to, to work

You can see a psychiatrist later also to get free health care click your state so you can get a psychiatrist appointment telehealth maybe Apply online for Free Medical at:


Group Homes or to help with a chill pill or if you get stuck wondering what kind of meds to take after you did something unlawful at Hawaii State Hospital via the police accident in the streets. In jail or prison or mental health for criminals place you can also get along with Valium for panic attacks, Depakote is a chill pill like it lowers aggression and libido and paxil is for anxiety and side effects it lowers libido and Trazadone is a good sleep aid along with those meds you can get with a Psychiatrist type doctor is you can be diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D also called Stress Disorder and get a green card also known as a medical marijuana card and get edibles that have marijuana the active ingredient is THC in gummies bears or candies in prison or jail and also mental hospital stuck there via the law)

If you get stuck in the law there is a blue paper that if you have friends or family that will watch you before your first court date then you can be released to them but if you don't have friends or family you can be released to Mental Health Kokua or Care Hawaii group homes 24/7 called 24 hr group homes where there is staff 24/7. But you can only use this released to family blue form or ask the social worker if you missed the chance and changed your mind, you can only use it in certain charges. (other options is you can be released intake where you sign in every morning at the jail also My brothers Keeper is in every state you can be released to them. 

Depakote lowers aggression and libido, Paxil is for anxiety (social anxiety) also lowers libido as a side effect, Trazadone is good as a sleep aid , and for claustrophobia or panic attacks is Valium all from a Telehealth appointment from a Psychiatrist apply online for free medical by clicking your state online application for Medicaid:



Navitech on jail

In jail your can get a sleep aid called Trazadone or also Depakote lowers aggression and the libido Paxil is for anxiety and side effect is it lowers the libido, just ask to see a social worker and complain of insomnia and you used to take Trazadone (start with a  low dose), Depakote is for emotional sickness or crying. 

So this is what you can do in jail to cure you from illnesses. If you are sick then you can ask the doctor or the ACO to see a doctor, you can ask for the soup tray if your sick and they give you for meal time lots of soup and tea, it really helped, the salt helps cure the belly from e.coli salmonella and listeria, also when you are out it works salt and water or a salt packet to keep handy while I am out if I eat something that makes me sick, Aloha shoyu or (yamasa or kikkoman soy sauce packets) (soy sauce) packet too (you can buy shoyu packets online at also),  also Lipton Soup is good from like Walmart or you can have it delivered at in a few hours it will be at your door step with Walmart delivery.  just make it on the salty side by adding less water. .  Also be sure to ask the ACO (the Corrections officer) for a doctor if you are on drugs because many inmates die from not receiving the drug to get them down from withdrawals on the street drug. It's like you want to be tested as soon as you go into jail for the street drug so they can give you the cure or medicinal cure or they have died in jail from withdrawing from the street drug. But another thing is the tums is good cause it's a good source of calcium and getting Vitamin D which comes from Rec time or sunlight. Also putting equal in a little water like a sweet drink made me feel better when I was sick or a packet of sugar in a little water also. 


Here in Oahu, is jet fuel water in the aquifiers and they cut the trees a little so when it rains its gonna fall on your car. Trazadone is a sleep aid get it prescribed by psychiatrist telehealth (get free medical is Medicaid, Apply online here by clicking your state:  pick it up at any Longs Drugs (CVS app or or CVS app for Longs Drugs, get the coupon clippings I saved $20.00) near is Alamoana mall also. Aka suicide water also of its little dose (that they can change since its in the aquafiers not Artesian wells that they can give you different doses so you wont know where its coming from, also from having tumultuous relationship with self or others or even a song and you feel something like depression suicide then you can know you injested Jet fuel water that is radioactive or same effect of the EMF's is Electromagnetic field energy that causes like the radio active jet fuel: Suicide depression and Psychiatric ailments, if its really bad i suggest you keep Trazadone handy so you can sleep through it as it passes through, just apply online for free health called Medicaid at

to get a free psychiatrist and you can use telehealth to be prescribed Trazadone which is a good sleep aid Apply online for free medical.


There is nano technology in the Tea tree facial wash (says has 2% salicylic acid on label) its from the or temu app it reads your DNA and rebuilds. what I do Is put a little drop in some water and whisk it then put it in a gallon of water and use it on my sponge, in 30 seconds it is clean, also I rinse with it in my mouth like mouth wash and my cavity is gone, used to be black cavity is gone., Walgreens Mouthwash is good,


For new Teeth

and they have scanners that they ship and send teeth: go here:


If I don't pay for my domain, this will still be up bookmark: , I use is a free website if you want to make it into a domain its about $24.00 for one year to keep the URL name and is $17.00 for the cheapest plan with tax is about $24.00 per month if you want to donate, my PayPal is to send money through Paypal using that email.


Apply for free medical (Medicaid)

Apply for Medicaid online:

​HMSA online app has free 24/7 doctors of all sorts even psychiatrists or General Practitioners. 


U Card 

To get a u card you must first apply for MedQuest online or in your state just go-to Google and enter apply for Medicaid online in California, but here is Hawaii states Medicaid, apply online just click your state in Hawaii Medicaid is called MedQuest in Hawaii, online application: known as Medicare in the rest of the states then apply for SSDI online: (social security disabilities insurance( at then you will have dual or Medicaid (called MedQuest in Hawaii) and Medicare. So when you get your blue white and red card from SSDI you have the medicare number then with that assign (like you did with MedQuest a provider say with MedQuest you assigned HMSA and so with medicare (you got with SSDI you assign united health care and make sure you tell them you have both MedQuest And medicare so they will give you dual) then you can download the UHC app which has your u card online so you can pay for utilities like electricity or Internet, also food ( or it says any of the stores like Walmart, Walgreens, Safeway, longs drugs etc.. or over the counter products (OTC) like tooth brush mouthwash (I get mouthwash from Walgreens) also bandaids there is a barcode scanner at the Health Benefits app for your U card. As of 2025 they give $103.00 per month and it doesn't carry over to next month if you have left over money.


It's cause they were scared, and is tippy tap toeing getting no where:


Shelter Plus Care and Housing First

(Free Housing just get your income from your states G.A (apply online here: , Click your states then on States SNAP website to apply online for free food and Financial and is called benefits.) which is $385.00 per month and you'll pay $38.00/ per month for, for example a $1,400 place also at the same time apply for SSDI ( which is the same as G.A if you qualify for G.A (G.A is General Assistance) you qualify for SSDI like social anxiety and sometimes panic attacks, with that you also qualify to get Shelter Plus Care call or text 988)

        Apply for free housing: is both for free mortgage and rent it also covers dependents and is called Shelter Plus Care and (for Shelter Plus care call 988 anywhere in any state ( and get a mental health case manager, in Hawaii call or text 988 or (808) 832-3100 is called Hawaii Cares and get a mental health case manager then say you have social anxiety and some times panic attacks and can't really go to work, or have not been going to work and also have not seen a doctor for this yet. 

        According to the AMHD (Adult Mental Health Division) they are supposed to give you Shelter Plus Care which covers dependents and mortgage or rent, and is 30% of income which the income can be from the online application, just click your state then states SNAP website to apply online for SNAP (food) or Financial (G.A for individuals with psychiatric disability like social anxiety or TANF for families) if you are an individual and receive the G.A (General Assistance) financial, you will receive about $375.00/ month and with Shelter Plus care it is $38.00/month for a $1,400 place. Food (SNAP) for individuals is about $420.00 in Hawaii state. Also to learn more about Shelter Plus Care type the keywords on Google or any search engine: "AMHD (Adult Mental Health Division) Community Housing Array PDF" or click here:, get anything on the Community Housing Array PDF with a mental health case manager call Hawaii Cares 988 (on Android talk or text) or (808) 832-3100


Housing First (Free Housing just get your income from your states G.A (apply online here) which is $385.00 per month and you'll pay $38.00/ per month for, for example a $1,400 place also at the same time apply for SSDI which is the same as G.A if you qualify for G.A you qualify for SSDI like social anxiety and sometimes panic attacks, with that you also qualify to get Shelter Plus Care call or text 988)

For Housing First (30% of income and covers mortgage rent and dependents is for homeless they will want to meet you at your homeless area) email IHS (Institute for human services) 

Section 8 (Also Free housing)

Section 8 is also 30% of income. 

Unlike Shelter Plus Care which is readily available all through out the year you can receive with 988 is in every state call or text 988 on your android phone if you have a rotary phone type keywords 988 or go-to and email them about how to get your states rotary phone number, also use keywords 988 and your state name then rotary phone to get your states local rotary phone number like for Hawaii state the rotary number is (808) 832-3100 and is called Hawaii Cares 988 at s only Available when the wait-list opens in your state go to keywords on a search engine "Housing authority state name and section 8" and bookmark their site which they might not even update so I wouldn't rely on looking there, but what they are required to do is print it in the newspaper when the section 8 wait-list opens and that is what you can rely on. ​

Some Emergency Shelters:

Emergency Shelter

by Family Promise of Hawaii

(808) 466-4241

245 North Kukui St Honolulu Hi 96817

open Mon-Sun 9am-5pm


Homeless Outreach and Coordinated

the Institute of Human Services


M-F 8am-5pm

Sat and sun closed


Womens and Family Emergency Shelter

546 Kaaahi st Honolulu Hi 96817


Financial and Food also 

Pregnant woman or mothers with infants or children may apply online for WIC in any state click your states name then Apply Online

WIC is Woman infant and Children (WIC)

They give free food vouchers so you can pick yup from your local grocery store: milk, cheese, vegetables, fruit, cereals, grains, oatmeal lentils and beans like legumes

WIC Apply online in Hawaii link from the state wide director, click your states to apply online! 

All WIC Clinic locations in Hawaii link:

WIC Kapiolani program one in Hawaii Oahu Island and is at the

Kapiolani Medical Center

1319 Punahou st Honolulu Hi 96826

(808) 983-8531

Also at the same time use the Social Security Number to apply online for the SSDI Social Security Disability Insurance apply online here: for you and your partner also have her apply.


Punawai Rest Stop

Phone: (808) 599-9750

Location: 431 Kuwili St. Honolulu HI 96817

Open: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. 365 days a year( Punawai Building is 4 stories)

Services: Eight showers (last appointment at 6:30 p.m.); 10 washing machines and 10 dryers (last appointment at 6 p.m.); security; Wi-Fi; cellphone charging stations; desktop computers; mail service; bathrooms; two pet kennels; lockers and larger storage for shopping carts and bulkier items; free toiletries, including toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors, shaving cream, shampoo and soap; bug zappers; and on-site housing and medical services. 


Pick up Free food

Hawaii Food Bank and Food Pantry

The Pantry (Food Pantry) Information

Distribution hours: 

10:00AM – 2:00PM 

Wednesday & Friday Phone line staffed by Volunteer: 808-888-0778 

9:00AM – 2:00PM

Wednesday & Friday Please note that outside of these days and times, your call will go to voicemail and be returned the next Wednesday or Friday. 

Email us:

Please allow us 24 to 48 business hours to respond. Should you need to cancel your order or pick up your order on your one additional permitted day, you do not need to contact us to let us know. " - The


Hot Meals Sumner Service Center Hot Meals at 350 Sumner St everyday:


Breakfast 7 to 9 am | 

Lunch: 11 am to 1 pm | 

Dinner: 5 to 7 pm (for non-guests takeout is provided at the kitchen door)


350 Sumner Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96817

Phone: 808.447.2900 | Fax: 808.537.2697 Rent Assistance

Need Assistance with your Rent?


fill out Institute for Human Services (I.H.S) Online Application


Food Bank and Food Pantries

Eviction help fill out Institute for Human Services (I.H.S) Online Application

if your getting evicted also call Catholic Charities 808-521-4357 any one of the charities like YWCA has the same thing just make sure you have your notice of eviction they will tell you what to do call 808-521-4357 and also give them your eviction notice. 


Then another thing to do is call 

Family Promise 


call at (808)-300-0565 


Transitional homes are like Room for rent (maybe there is apps or try the nextdoor app and ask for room for rent) but lower in price or room for rent 

another good website is

and look for housing or food, financial at this helpful online resource: 

a good number to call during business hours is 211 or (808) 275-2000 is AUW or Aloha United Way located at

200 N Vineyard Blvd #700 Honolulu, Hi 96817

Open Mon-Sun 7am -10 pm

or after hours is 988 or (808) 832-3100 is Hawaii Cares available 24/7


Other numbers to call asking for rent help or eviction also emergency shelters or transitional homes

Waikiki Keahou intake line (808) 537-8394


Homeless Help Line: (808) 586-0193


Getting a Van or Car

To get free housing what I would do if you can't get Shelter Plus Care (further down on this page) is get a van remember they will tow your van if you park anywhere, I used to park at a public park and you can with out being towed from I think 8am to 10pm and at 10pm the security come to make sure you leave safely,

        So to get a van and pay only $68.00 a month go-to using the maintenance report, VIN number and mileage on and then add it to the Kelly Blue Book site 

where they say after entering in the car information if you want to buy the car at the Kelly blue book price say yes and get a bank loan so that you pay only about $68.00/month for the car bank loan which you can easily pay off buy using your General assistance is free financial about ($375.00) , you can apply online for a long with food (for one person is about $400.00) : 

        Getting a Van or Car for $68.00/ month bank loan if you qualify (also use Experian app download using Google play, to increase your credit score by putting the checking account that you paid your utility bills that include electric, internet, phone bill and TV also, affirm loans and after pay or Klarna also increase your credit score using or Experian app credit score boost so that when you do want to make a bank loan to pay for a car (pay monthly the bank for the $2,885.00 car from Kelly blue book at when at it was $6854.00 and would have been $245.00/month.

More on Shelter Plus Care way of free housing:


1. call or text 988 in Hawaii is (808) 832-3100 known as Hawaii cares 988, 988 is in every state as


2. The 988 person asks to meet you for a Mental Health Assessment, you can have it over the phone on zoom or telephone or in person, I did that one and met them at Starbucks Ala Moana mall, where the person brought a laptop, Fail the mental health assessment so that they know you are in need of the services, I failed it for social anxiety and panic attacks I take Paxil, (I heard Valium is good for panic attacks).


3. then they (the 988 number you called or texted) will assign you a mental health case manager, from here you can tell them that you have social anxiety and some times you have panic attacks they are supposed to give you shelter Plus Care which is 30% of income and covers mortgage and rent. 


4. your income for 30% of income for the Shelter Plus Care, can come from General Assistance ($385.00/ month) Food known as SNAP Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program ($420.00/ month) which you can get in any state by applying online 


Hawaii States one is: with the $385.00 from General Assistance rent or mortgage is now $38.00/month for say like a $1400.00 apartment one bedroom


.5. Apply for Financial and SNAP online at and at the same time apply for SSDI online (at: when you get SSDI then G.A will stop since SSDI and G.A is for individual. Another way to get free income is with SSDI is Social Security Disability Insurance (or SSI early). Apply online for Social Security Disabilities at


The amount you get for example is if I worked at taco bell one year and received $20,000 then another year I worked at McDonald's and received $13,000 and in my lifetime I worked $65,000 then I recieve from SSDI per month $654.00. so with the Shelter Plus Care you will pay with the 30% of income (this covers Mortgage and rent) $66.00/ month for say a $1400.00 place. You can get up to $1,700 for SSDI or SSI (which you can apply for only when you turn about 65 years old, is SSI or Social Security Income)


5,a. Also apply online for medical which is free, and dental I wouldn't go because they been pulling out teeth and also if they did go-to you can get a new set of teeth for $45.00 that are your new pair of teeth! All you do is scan the mouth I believe and they ship you the product.


Group Homes way of Free housing


Apply online for Financial (G.A or TANF) and Food (SNAP) state wide directory: Hawaii States one is: group homes its free housing, call 988 ask them they will transport you to a group home, 8-16 hour group Homes is the staff is there 8-16 hours a day and Saturday and Sunday is not there, ask your mental health case manager or call or text 988 to transport you to group homes (with just the clothes on your back). 


Group Homes is free housing if you have a job its 30% of income.24 hr group homes the staff is there 24hr /7 days a weekto get into group homes, call a mental health case manager at 988 text or call and 988 is in every state or go-to, and ask to go-to group homes, its free housing. Paxil is for anxiety but the side effects is it lowers the libido Depakote lowers aggression and it lowers the libido Trazadone makes me have a good sleep if I have insomnia for Group Homes since it is an AMHD (Adult Mental Health ) you need to take a psychiatric medication to get in, apply online for free medical and schedule a Psychiatrist appointment via telehealth and get the prescription but to go-to group hoes you don't need to be seeing a Psychiatrist they will get you your appointment and doctor later, you just need the clothes on your back but if you do have bedding pillow, hygiene, laundry detergent and toilet paper, bath towel that is good to bring. Just get a Mental Health case manager by calling Hawaii Cares 988 on Android or (808) 832-3100 and ask to go-to group homes get a free phone and free service at former Obama phones is Affordable Connection Program or try is unlimited talk unlimited text unlimited data for $27.00 for three months. 


1. point to make: become a jeweler and a certifier use the PDF online with the keywords on Google because this kind of 1.5 million diamonds they the jewler already wanted to k**l me when the pawn shop lady also wanted to k**l me was sweating when she saw the 


2. a second one I tell ya is the link to the place that I got the diamond at is on my Lamb Zephyrgirl address Easter egg hunting?


3. three points to make? yes, its publish your own book, Amazon Kindle owns itAazon Kindle owns it My online radio station I made with Facebook: here is the link to Zaleia browndwarf mulagin Zephyrgirl 1: Outreach aka YO! at Waikiki health clinic, a place where people drop off their babies and children for the state to take care of them with their own age group. (RYSE Youth Under 18 – 808-498-5180 emergency shelter for youth and children)



Call or text 988 they have the rotary number at the website: they have a online chat on their website, in every state that helps you by getting you a mental health case manager 988 is available 24/7 or you can use the online chat, text or call. I suggest you go-to charity flights: Free charity flights: or E-mail them at get a free flight or cheaper flight use a affirm loan virtual card get one at and just take the 988 number with you all you need is the clothes on your back and this number (no more shark loans like the one on NBC reality TV show) 


to me

The psyche of the old man that uses the law to answer the youth in secret and trigger them to commit to adding lies to my aliby and calling the cops sending me to jail -old in young clone technology trump administration feeders off of his new place for youth to go to jail and old psychology of the sadist jealousy eat sexually off the girls that are good.

So why did you come out and attack me for then call yourself the victim


Then you attacked me in secret then in said stop and then you said I am the one who starts trouble.

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